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Welcome to laughing.nuA page with funny jokes

A good laugh prolongs life, say the experts This site delivers tons of funny jokes suitable for all ages. It can be about animals for cars and soul broom Santa Claus. etc. //We guarantee lots of laughs.

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Funny jokes about animals that we have both seen and heard

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Funny things that happened or are happening at the restaurant

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What do you know about funny stories about boats and cars and more.

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Our funny children who spread funny jokes on everything.

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Funny situations in the world of sports. Please share with us and spread joy

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It's fun and joking at work. What funny jokes have you heard? Please share with us

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There are plenty of funny jokes and our dear Santa Claus. Please share with us

The online store

Order funny shirts for gadgets with funny joke texts. How you can amuse other people in town or the family, etc. Good quality at good prices

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Everything has a beginning to something big. Therefore, you can work on the website's content, so that it grows and becomes more interesting for everyone who just likes funny jokes, texts, etc. Thank you for your support

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Android and google store

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We are now available via app functions Android and iOS. Here you can read funny jokes as well as on the site's content. We wouldn't succeed if it weren't for all of you fantastic people Who wants to spend so much time and love on. We look positively at the future of this business to develop the website with exciting content where we and you work as a team